Tips before starting beverage development

When we think about developing a project related to beverage production, we need to keep in mind that it may take months or even years to reach the final result. To help you optimize your time, here are some essential tips for those who want to start creating projects in this area.


First of all, realize that it is essential to have in mind what you want to produce. It seems kind of obvious, but a lot of people just want to make a drink and forget what they really expect in the end result. Will this drink be alcoholic? What kind of target (public) will it have? Will this drink feature natural ingredients? Having a detailedidea and being able to solidify it is essential for your business to develop more easily in several later stages, such as market research, ingredient research and even formula development. In the first stage, the important thing will be to strengthen the idea of ​​which drink will be produced – and it is also important to find ideal partners who can help you with this.


After idealizing the product, time has come to start putting all your planning on paper so that it becomes real. Creating a business plan right from the start will make you have an idea of ​​how much you should invest and even how much you can expect in terms of profits and other more bureaucratic things.

In beverage development, keep in mind that your planning must include key points for your brand to become real, such as the formulation and purchase of formulas, co-packing partners, distributors, marketing and more. There are many points that must be taken into account so that there is a production and distribution chain. If this is not prioritised,, you may experience many setbacks in the future. 


One of the most important factors about developinga drink is  finding good partners so that your entire journey is less laborious and bureaucratic. A simplistic thought, but one that can help you think about the steps and partners you will need is the following:

1) Idea about the drink;

2) Find someone who develops this drink so that it can be marketed (formula);

3) Find a factory where the production and packaging of your product can take place – this point is a game changer because, as you are starting, consider finding a co-packing service for this. Generally the costs are lower;

4) Find the points of sale – another essential step. After all, it’s no use having your product ready if you don’t have a place to sell them. In addition to digital points, such as direct sales through e-commerce, we suggest that you have a distributor. This distributor has a list of locations that he has already partnered with and can drop off your products there. Remember that even if you choose to handle the sales yourself, you will need a place to store your products. And, well, it’s not always easy to find places like that.

Here at FMR Brands we help you at every stage of your beverage development. From formulation to distribution. Want to talk more about it? Get in touch with us!

Tips before starting beverage development

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